NIKE VR Kinetic
Feb - Mar 2024
6 weeks
Skills , Knowledge
Industrial Design.
CMF exploration
Design a VR headset and an accompanying accessory that reflects a proposed brand design principles and user-focused ethos. The proposal should embody future-forward thinking while remaining feasible for deployment within a 5-year horizon.
“ I love playing VR games, it feels like a great workout and it’s fun as hell. After a few sessions, I can’t stand the sweat. “
The Problem
When playing sweaty VR games, breaks are essential. However, getting that perfect headset fit takes time out of the experience. Breaks become a hindrance.
The Opportunity
How might we create a VR headset that is more comfortable and minimizes downtime in between gaming sessions?
The Obvious Choice
Prototyped Exploration
The Design Architecture
Flip Up Comfort Solution
EMG-Powered Controllers